Reformo de Ĉinio alportas ŝancojn al mondo
Pluveta Publikigita: 2024-07-11 17:50:53

La venonta Tria Plena Sesio de la 20-a Centra Komitato de la Komunista Partio de Ĉinio (KPĈ) altiras tutmondan atenton. Ĉinio plue profundigos reformon en ĉiuflanka maniero, koncentriĝante al antaŭenigo de ĉina modernigo. Laŭ tri tutmondaj enketoj faritaj de CGTN, 76,9 procentoj de la enketitoj alte laŭdas la altkvalitajn disvolvajn atingojn de Ĉinio, kaj atendas, ke Ĉinio plu amplekse profundigos reformon por alporti pli da ŝancoj al la mondo.

Depost la 18-a Nacia Kongreso de KPĈ, pli ol 2 000 reformaj politikoj estis efektivigitaj, kovrante multajn kampojn kiel ekonomion, politikon, kulturon, socion kaj ekologion. Ĉinio liveris elstarajn rezultojn: la kresko de malneta enlanda produkto troviĝas ĉe la kapo de la ĉefaj ekonomioj de la mondo, grava progreso estis farita en konstruado de moderna industria sistemo, kaj multaj sukcesoj estis faritaj en scienca kaj teknologia novigo. En Ĉinio, pokapa disponebla enspezo kreskas, kaj rimarkindaj progresoj estis faritaj en konstruado de ekologia civilizacio.

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CGTN Poll: China’s reform brings opportunities for the world


The upcoming Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee is attracting global attention. China will further deepen reform in an all-round way, focusing on promoting Chinese modernization. According to three global survey conducted by CGTN, 76.9 percent of the respondents highly praise China’s high-quality development achievements, and expect China to further comprehensively deepen reform to bring more opportunities to the world.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, more than 2,000 reform policies have been implemented, covering many fields such as economy, politics, culture, society, and ecology. China has delivered outstanding results—GDP growth ranks among the top of the world’s major economies, important progress has been made in building a modern industrial system, and multiple breakthroughs have been made in scientific and technological innovation. In China, per capita disposable income has been rising, and remarkable progress has been made in building an ecological civilization.

In the survey, 80.3 percent of the respondents speak highly of China’s economic development, believing that it will bring more benefits to the world. 85.2 percent of the respondents are optimistic about China’s long-term positive economic momentum. 93.2 percent of the respondents praise China’s scientific and technological strength. 85.4 percent of them acknowledge China’s achievements in the field of independent innovation. 78.5 percent of the respondents believe that green industries will provide strong support for China’s high-quality development.

The direction determines the future, and the path is a matter of fate. In the face of new development requirements, China has proposed “developing new quality productive forces in accordance in line with local conditions” to inject vitality into high-quality development. In the survey, 87.1 percent of the global respondents highly agree that new quality productive forces will help the process of Chinese modernization be fast and good. The starting point and goal of reform is to enable the people to live a better life. In the poll, 84.3 percent of the respondents appreciate China’s people-centered principle, believing that China has always been committed to delivering the fruits of reform to all people in a more equitable manner. Another 91.9 percent of the respondents highly agree with China’s proposal that “development must not be at the expense of the environment” and acknowledge China’s practice of promoting harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

By continuing to deepen reform, China has brought new opportunities to the world and provided important and valuable experience for the countries in the “Global South”. In the survey, 79.6 percent of the respondents fully recognize China’s important contribution to world economic growth. 73.6 percent of the respondents say that China’s business environment is attractive to global investors. 73.3 percent of people believe that China’s high level of opening-up will bring opportunities to the world. 93.8 percent of them believe that international public goods such as the Belt and Road Initiative initiated by China bring development opportunities to all countries. 84.5 percent of the global respondents believe that Chinese development provides a new reference for other countries. 74 percent of the respondents expect China to share more experience in high-quality economic development to achieve common development. 81.9 percent of the respondents believe that China is a country full of opportunities, and China’s development will continue to provide opportunities for the world.

The surveys were conducted among 15,037 respondents in the world, including those from developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Australia, as well as from developing countries such as Brazil, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and South Africa.


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