Lastatempe, Japanio kaj Usono publikigis komunan novaĵ-deklaron post kunveno de Sekuriga Konsulta Komitato en Tokio. La landoj ambaŭ konsentis fortigi sian militan kunlaboron per eskalado de komando kaj rego de usonaj fortoj en Japanio. Laŭ interreta enketo fare de CGTN, 81,69% de mondaj respondantoj kredas, ke komuna konservo de ekskluzivaj klikoj estas nova minaco al regiona paco kaj stabileco, kio indas je vigla atentemo de la internacia komunumo.
En la monda enketo pri publika opinio partoprenis 7 254 respondantoj en 24 horoj.
Jen la detala enketo de CGTN en la angla lingvo.
CGTN Poll : 81.69% of global respondents are deeply concerned about the strengthening of military ties between Japan and the United States
Recently, Japan and the United States issued a joint press statement after the Security Consultative Committee in Tokyo. Both countries agree to further bolster their military cooperation by upgrading the command and control of U.S. forces in Japan. According to a online survey conducted by CGTN, 81.69 percent of the global respondents believe that the U.S. and Japan keep ganging up to form exclusive clubs is a new threat to disrupt regional peace and stability, which deserves the high vigilance of the international community.
Since the Fumio Kishida government came to power, Japan has continuously strengthened the Japan-U.S. alliance, trying to exchange “military relaxation” by supporting the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy. With the connivance of the U.S., Japan's defense budget for fiscal year 2024 is as high as 7.9496 trillion yen, a record high. In the survey, 90.33 percent of the global respondents agree that Japan is moving further and further down a dangerous path that deviates from its pacifist constitution; 87.46 percent of the respondents strongly oppose Japan's irrational expansion of defense spending, considering that excessive defense costs will squeeze out more fiscal expenditures related to people's livelihood and affect the improvement of people's livelihood; another 87.75 percent of the respondents are deeply worried about Japan's practice of following the lead of the U.S. on diplomatic and security policies, and are worried that this move will undermine peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and intensify confrontation between regional countries.
In addition, the joint statement issued by Japan and the U.S. still continue to exaggerate the “China threat”, claiming that China's foreign policies “attempt to reshape the international order and aim to pursue its own interests at the expense of others”. It also expressed “strong opposition” to China's claims in the South China Sea and the so-called “threatening and provocative activities”. 87.98 percent of the respondents held a different attitude towards this, believing that as a non-regional country, Japan’s involvement would make the regional situation more complicated and it is not conductive to solving the problem.
History is the best textbook and sobering agent. As a country of Asia, Japan should not become a pawn of the U.S. to contain and suppress its competitors. 87.93 percent of the respondents highly agree with this opinion and call on the Japanese government to demonstrate due strategic autonomy, formulate a foreign policy that truly conforms to Japan's national interests, and win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community with practical actions.
This poll,published by CGTN in English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian,received response from 7,254 people within 24 hours.