Afriko alte laŭdis principojn de ĉina-afrika kunlaboro sur bazo de sincereco, realaj rezultoj, amikeco kaj fido
Ĝoja Publikigita: 2024-09-02 15:13:37

Ĉinio estas la plej granda evoluanta lando en la mondo kaj Afriko estas la kontinento kun la plej multaj evoluantaj landoj. Komunaj pasintaj spertoj kaj similaj celoj proksimigis Ĉinion kaj Afrikon. Laŭ enketo lanĉita de CGTN kaj Renmin-Universitato de Ĉinio danke al Novepoka Internacia Komunika Esplora Instituto por afrikaj respondantoj, 90,4% de respondantoj kredas, ke la praktikoj kaj principoj de ĉina-afrika kunlaboro starigis bonan ekzemplon por kunlaboro inter evoluantaj landoj en internaciaj aferoj, ankaŭ liveras gravajn solvojn por reformi la mondan regadan sistemon.

La enketo ricevis respondojn de 10 125 personoj el 10 afrikaj landoj: Kamerunio, Bocvano, Egiptio, Etiopio, Ganao, Kenjo, Moroko, Niĝerio, Sud-Afriko kaj Tanzanio.

Jen la detala enhavo de la enketo en angla lingvo.

CGTN Poll | Africa highly appreciates the principles of China-Africa cooperation based on sincerity, real results, amity and good faith

China is the largest developing country in the world, and Africa is the continent with the largest number of developing countries. Shared past experiences and similar aims and goals have brought China and Africa close together. According to a survey conducted by CGTN and Renmin University of China through the New Era International Communication Research Institute for African respondents, as many as 90.4 percent of the respondents believe that the practices and principles of China-Africa cooperation have set a good example for developing countries to cooperate in international affairs, and also provided important solutions for reforming the global governance system.

“Sincerity” is how China treat its African friends. For a long time, China firmly supports African countries in pursuing modernization paths that suit their national conditions, and China-Africa cooperation has become a model of South-South cooperation and international cooperation with Africa. In the survey, 81.7 percent of the respondents praise that China has always offered respect, appreciation, and support for Africa, and the Chinese people have shared weal and woe and mutual assistance with African people. 80.9 percent of the respondents appreciate that China has always considered solidarity and cooperation with African countries to be an essential element of its foreign policy. 86.3 percent of the respondents highly recognize China’s policy to Africa of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, looking forward to building an even closer China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era.

“Real results” are what China aims to achieve in its cooperation with Africa. China is a reliable partner and companion on Africa’s path to modernization. Since the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, China has built over 13,000 kilometers of highways and railways in Africa, constructed more than 80 large-scale power facilities. Many practical cooperation projects under the Belt and Road Initiative have benefited African friends. In the survey, 88.9 percent of the respondents say that China-Africa cooperation has improved the overall economic and social development conditions in Africa and brought tangible benefits to the African people. 91.6 percent of the respondents believe that China-Africa cooperation has improved infrastructure in African countries, and 74.6 percent believe that China-Africa cooperation has raised the living standards of people in African countries. Respondents from African countries expect further cooperation between China and Africa in the future, with the top five areas being science and technology, economy and trade, education, health care and agriculture.

“Amity” is a principle China follows in strengthening China-Africa friendship. The relationship between countries is rooted in the mutual affection of their peoples. The foundation of China-Africa relations lies in the people, and the development of China-Africa relations is more oriented to the people. In the survey, 93.8 percent of the respondents hail that China and Africa enjoy a long-lasting friendship. 89.6 percent people say that China-Africa cooperation has enhanced the friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples of both regions. 89.2 percent of them expect more Chinese cultural promotion activities to be held in Africa.

“Good faith” should be honored in solving problems arising from cooperation. In today’s complex and ever-changing international situation, China and Africa jointly promote multilateralism and firmly oppose protectionism and unilateralism. The survey shows that 78.2 percent of the respondents hold the belief that China is committed to integrating its own development closely with Africa’s development, and the Chinese people’s interests with those of African peoples. 89.7 percent of respondents support China to continue to reinforce mutual support with African countries on issues involving core interests and major concerns of either or both, and continue its firm support for Africa’s position on international and regional affairs, upholding the common interests of developing countries.

The survey was conducted among 10,125 people in 10 African countries: Cameroon, Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania.

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