Ĉefpaĝo Lucis Studio

Exclusive Interview with Ambassador of Finland to China

Lucia Publikigita:2024-04-30 15:45:30

The Finnish Ambassador to China Leena-Kaisa Mikkola recently shared her experiences and thoughts on China, highlighting the strong foundation and importance of the ongoing development of bilateral relations between the two countries. Despite having lived and worked in China for several years, the Ambassador still deeply appreciates the country's vast and profound nature, with each city and region possessing its unique charm. 

The Ambassador highly commended the successful cooperation between the two countries in various sectors, including economy, trade, technology, ecology, and tourism, and expressed his anticipation for the emergence of new areas of cooperation in the future. The Ambassador noted that China's ongoing opening-up measures can provide Finnish and European companies with greater opportunities and help establish a level playing field. As global conditions evolve, China and Finland will continue collaborating to create a new chapter in their relationship. For more details, please check out the program.