Ĉefpaĝo Lucis Studio

Substantial support for the construction of green ecological barriers and the realization of sustainable development

Lucia Publikigita:2024-06-18 11:51:41

In recent years, the increasingly severe global climate change and ecological environmental issues have led to a growing concern about desertification. In China, an innovative method known as the "grass square sand fixation technique" is demonstrating remarkable achievements in the field of desert control. The technique entails the deployment of grids constructed from reed grass in desert regions. This approach effectively impedes the movement of dunes, stabilizes shifting sands, and creates conditions conducive to the growth of desert vegetation. After several years of practice, this technology has not only successfully halted the further expansion of deserts, but also promoted the improvement of the ecological environment in desert areas. Currently, an increasing number of regions are adopting this technique, providing substantial support for the construction of green ecological barriers and the realization of sustainable development.