• “I think it's a great timing right now for Chinese companies to really expand and increase their foothold in the global market in general.” In this exclusive interview, Jesus Emilio Hoyos, the Managing Partner of ARC Group, talked about the overseas expansion of Chinese companies. About his views on the Chinese market, he said, “The Chinese market is the biggest market in the world, I think all of
  • Hey everyone, I'm Yang Dexin, a master's student in International Education of Chinese at Renmin University of China. I have a lot of hobbies, but my favorite ones are playing guitar and shooting videos. I hope to use my camera to capture the beauty of the world and share it with others. I also hope to use my videos to spread positive messages and brighten people's days.
  • Altaj montoj, vasta stepo, profundaj valoj, tiuj ĉiuj, kiuj por okcidentaj vojaĝantoj estas belaj pejzaĝoj, eble fariĝas baroj de edukado por lokaj infanoj. La montoriĉa medio kaj disa loĝateco faras al partaj tibetaj infanoj malfacilan iradon al lernejo, kaj pro tio pensiona lernejo fariĝas plej bona solvo.
Chinese enterprises are winning opportunities overseas Mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China China to implement visa-free policy for Denmark: let's hear what Danes say